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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aunt Liz and Dance Lessons

I would first like to offer an apology to those of you who noticed that I fell off of the face of the earth, electronically speaking.  In my last post I mentioned how often I frequented the internet café due to my overwhelming free time, but fortunately I have been too busy in the tangible world to go online more than once or twice a week, and my time is usually spent Skyping with my family.  Speaking of which, I would like to congratulate my sister and her husband for the newest addition to their family, Mackenzie Anne.  Isn´t she beautiful?

Shortly after my last post in April I started taking personal dance lessons from a local named Geoffery.  Classes were every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday night for an hour and a half at 90 córdobas per week, which equates to about $4.10.  They were held in the living room of my Nica family´s house, and I could see them spying on me from the doorway as I tried to concentrate on moving my hips in what originally felt like a very uncomfortable manner.  After a few months of practice, I am finally accustomed to the excessive hip movements and also being stared at while I dance (quick reference to machista culture).  I am no longer taking the lessons because it was becoming a bit time-consuming, and believe it or not I was running out of money!  I may start up again in a couple months, but until then I have learned the basics and have been practicing:

Palo de Mayo

Hope to post again on Wednesday!

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