The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Revitalization of the Casa Materna Part IV: Education

As previously mentioned, in order to get the grant for this project, we had to include an HIV/AIDS education piece.  So I would give charlas to the pregnant women as well as the students and volunteers helping with the garden.  We also took the opportunity to talk about proper disposal of trash.

Additionally Kelli and I made what we called a “Welcome Kit” for the women at the Casa Materna.  The “Welcome Kit” is a ten-page laminated packet of general information about Maternal and Child Health, Maintaining the Garden, and Yoga.  Many of the women cannot read, so we included as many pictures as possible.  The hope is that while at Casa Materna the women have an opportunity to learn about their health outside of the charlas given.

Topics in the “Welcome Kit”:
Casa Materna Information and Rules
Pregnancy: How it Occurs, Changes to the Body and Lifestyle
Stages of the Birth Process
Warning Signs During Pregnancy, Birth, and Post-Partum
Family Planning
Garden Maintenance

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Revitalization of the Casa Materna Part III: The Structure

We decided that the structure behind the Casa Materna should be an open-aired space.  We hired local workers to repair the floor and paint the walls and it looked a thousand times better!  Take a look at the before and afters:

Before outside

Before inside

Before behind structure

After outside

After inside

After behind structure

Kelli has been practicing Yoga for years and wanted an opportunity to teach here.  Exercise in Nicaragua is not common.  When I go running in the mornings I often receive snide comments from early-bird vagrants implying that I am strange for wanting to exert more energy than I have to.  Everyone rides small motorcycles or takes a taxi to get to their destination four blocks away.  Nevertheless, exercise is good preparation for having a baby, and Kelli is passionate about the discipline of Yoga.  Kelli’s mom Mary hauled twenty yoga mats and Mexican blankets down here so that it could be done right:

Comments that have been shouted at me (in Spanish) while I am running.  As you can see they are all helpful tips: 

Don’t get tired!
This is your mountain!
Run!  Run!  Run!
Hey Precious!  Hey Beautiful!  Hey Doll!
You’re sweating!
Your face is red!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Revitalization of the Casa Materna Part II: The Vegetable Garden

After approval from the Ministry of Health, we began to plan.  The grant we were applying for required an HIV/AIDS component, so we had to incorporate education into the mix.  Greg, our environment guru, was happy to help with the vegetable garden, but also wanted to try out his newly-designed economic stove which uses less wood and redirects smoke.  We also decided that an event would be a great way to finish the project and show the community the improvements that would be made.  So what was at first a two-tiered idea soon became a five-tiered monster!  I wrote the proposal and sent it off to Washington.

We recruited students from the Instituto Público de Boaco (public high school) and volunteers from the local YMCA to help with the vegetable garden.  Simply cleaning up the garbage took an entire weekend.  Unfortunately, it has not yet caught on in Boaco that throwing garbage on the ground instead of in a garbage can is a. rude, b. bad for the environment, and c. ugly to look at.

Kelli recruiting

Garbage clean-up BEGIN!

YMCA working hard as usual!

Greg and Instituto students

Peace sign break!

First week of garbage collection

We then had to weed and figure out a good plot for planting veggies.  Then the real work began!  Digging holes, sifting dirt, hauling rocks, etc.  Another method of garbage disposal in Boaco is burying it in the ground or burning it.  So we found just as much garbage in the soil as we did above it.  If you are wondering at this point whether or not there is a garbage pick-up system in Boaco, the answer is yes there is.  But old habits die hard. 

Greg showing us how it's done

Sifting dirt.  In spanish the tool is called a zaranda.

Hauling weeds

Plots of okra and bell pepper.  If you look closely enough you  can see their sprouts!

Plots of carrot, onion, and edamame.
No, people here don't know what edamame is.  Or okra for that matter.


By the end of April we had made 5 plots for vegetables and even an organic compost!

Seeds currently growing:

Bell Pepper

Monday, June 11, 2012

Revitalization of the Casa Materna Part I: The Idea

Apologies to all for not posting for the last six months!  I have been very busy since December – made two trips home to California, traveled to parts of Northern Nicaragua, and completed a project at the Casa Materna in my site, Boaco.  Lots of ammunition for future posts!  Today (and in the next few posts) I am going to start with the Casa Materna project because it took over my life for a while:

As I have previously mentioned, a Casa Materna is a temporary refuge for underprivileged rural pregnant women who do not have immediate access to health care.  Because these women choose to have the child at home with a midwife, they risk maternal and or child deaths due to infections, hemorrhages, or high blood pressure.  Women who stay at the Casa Materna two to four weeks before they are expecting decrease risk of complications because they have direct access to health care.  Casas Maternas have been established in many urban areas of Nicaragua in an effort to decrease the incidence of maternal and child mortalities.

There is not much to do in the Casa Materna, Boaco.  The women receive daily medical check-ups, they bathe, cook, eat, clean, wash clothes, and then sit and watch TV.  This is where I volunteer most of my time.  I offer health education, demonstrate crafts such as jewelry-making, and spend time with the women as they patiently wait to go into labor.  They are offered a very limited diet – beans, rice, oil, cream, powdered milk, and eggs.  Because the women are from poorer rural areas, they usually do not have enough money to supplement their meals with meats, fruits, or vegetables.

In December I told my site-mate Kelli (Small Business Volunteer) that I had been interested in making a vegetable garden at the Casa Materna because there was a huge space behind the building that was not being used.  There was also a dilapidated structure (which we later found out was used for water storage) that I dreamed could one day be a place where the women could exercise.  Kelli without hesitation encouraged me to move forward with the project.  She said she wanted to be involved, got Greg (Environment volunteer) on board, and we presented the idea to Boaco’s Ministry of Health!  Below are "before pictures" of the space.

More to come this week. . .

A big thank you to those who donated clothes, blankets, crafts materials, and other gifts to the Casa Materna in January:

Marianne Malenk
Wendy, Jerry, and Grant Thompson, and Penny Wheeler
Theresa and Ginger Lua
Jennifer Solomon
Leigh Ann Fraley
Anna Compton